Back on Land

Back on Land

It has been a while since we posted on our our blog, we promise we will do better.

To say the past couple of months have been busy would be an understatetment. We, along with the Smith family, left South Africa and sailed Private Island accross the Atlantic ocean, with a stop in Saint Helena, and another stop on an Island off the coast of Brazil (Fernando do Naronha). From there we sailed up to Grenada. In Grenada, the Smith family headed home and we added two new crew members. The first was Judy Nelson, an old friend and regular at our neighborhood bar in San Diego. Judy brought along, Gary Clark, a childhood friend from Massachusetts. After a short delay in Grenada, the four of us sailed the boat up through the Carribean and into Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

The Caribbean leg was amazing. Luckily, since we fell down on the blogging/video job, Gary picked up our slack and wrote an epic poem (see the end of this post), which decsribes our journey .

The journey from South Africa was definitely a “bucket list” adventure. However, somewhere along the way between South Africa and Fort Luaderdale; Bonnie and I came to a realization…While we enjoy being on boats and island hopping around the Carribbean; ocean crossings are just not our thing. Since sailing the boat to different destinations (ie: Atlantic to the Mediterraean, and back) was a major portion of the gig on Private Island, we have resigned our commision as crew and moved back onto land.

Before we even left the boat, our schedule starting filling up. We went to meet up with friends
in Las Vegas and San Diego (many thanks for Van and
Christopher for opening their home to us again!)





And then to Victoria, British Columbia for a housesit with an adorable labradoodle
named Chutney

Now we are doing a house sit in New York city with two very playful cats


From here, we are off to Europe, starting with Spain.

Watch this space to keep up with our crazy life…..


A Long Starboard Tack On The “Private Island”

By Gary Clark

She called out of the blue

And said How-Do-You-Do

It’s kind of sudden and maybe rude

But you once told me you’d work for food


Not rude at all

For a trip like this

A sail up the leewards

Is more like bliss


A California Girl

A Captain and his wife

We land in Grenada

And begin our new life


The quick trip to the “Private Island”

A yacht beyond compare

She’ll take you around the world

But only if you dare


Port engine is giving us trouble

Twice we were on our way

But it’s back to the Marina we go

Hopefully just for a day


Third time is a charm

We head for Prickley Bay

Fill her up with fuel

And we’re finally on our way


Day after day

Night after night

Our Journey is long

But our course is right


The seas have been huge

The ride has been tough

But we’re a strong crew

And no one has made a fuss


We’re all very tired

But nobody is breakin’

Tonight in Puerto Rico

The drinks will be shaken


We anchor in a cove in P.R.

Enjoy an amazing meal from Brazil

We leave in the morning

For three days with not much of a thrill


More of the same

As we march on

Next stop Grand Turk

Some time after dawn


Two days on the hook
Rejected by Grand Turk

Covid rules are a pain

And the Dock Man is a jerk


We pull up to the dock for fuel
The men tie us up with glee

But when we go to leave

They want a hundo to set us free


They see the fancy yacht
With stars in their eyes

But we won’t be held hostage

By low life dock flies


I climb up on the dock

And set us free

Captain George backs her out

Without paying the fee


As the boat glides by

It’s too far down to make the jump

So I head to the end of the dock

And dive into the water with a big ol’thump


Back to the hook

Some repairs to get done

Two days to Rum Cay

For another night of fun


We head out of Grand Turk

But the winds are light

Too late in the day for Rum Cay

So it is on to Cat Island for the next night


A beautiful cove, a beach of white sand

To the restaurant for drinks and dinner

Caipirinha’s and some new friends

Music and laughs are always a winner


It is so peaceful and relaxing

We enjoy the next day

Next stop the Berry Islands

Thirty three hours away


We land at Great Harbour Cay

My daughter, family and girlfriend to greet us

The owner’s of Soul Fly Lodge

A fly fishing destination that is a MUST


Two days of hugs and love

Young Micah is growing fast

We enjoy the time we have

But we know it is not going to last


The last leg to Florida

Following the pink line

We arrive at Port Everglades

And everything is fine


We navigate the narrow, winding “New River”

Past lots of bridges and boats

It’s a tricky ride but George is a pro

We pull into the Marina and we’re still afloat


George and Bonnie are top notch

They’re just really awesome folks

It’s been a great journey

With many laughs and lots of jokes


Three weeks at sea

Lots of time for reflection

But it’s nice to be home

Now we will all head off in another direction