Still Waiting….

Still Waiting….

Soooo….it’s June and the boat is still under construction ??‍♀️. Since neither the designer or the builders have ever built this model boat before, there have been plenty of unexpected design/construction issues that needed to be resolved – this is one of the reasons folks are hesitant to buy “Hull #1”. However, the flip side to the longer build time is that we’ve had an opportunity to learn this boat inside and out as well as make real time changes that will improve the boat’s performance and livability.

Meanwhile, if you’ve been watching our videos, you will know that George and I have been finding plenty of trouble fun to get into while living in South Africa. We’ve sailed and safaried (not sure that’s a word, but I’m going with it), wined and dined, and even travelled back home to visit family (and get vaccinated!).

Our latest target splash date is July 1 and we’re supposed to move onboard on July 16….(cross your fingers).

Reader Comments

  1. Sounds like a very unique and educational experience. I would imagine you guys are chomping at the bit to get moving on the water. I am sure, the saying, good things are worth waiting for applies to this amazing journey.

  2. Love the photos and stories, you are in, too me, a magical land. Soak it up and feel the spirit of Africa. Enjoy

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